Şehir Fikri (Notion of a City, 2022)
- Publisher: Onagöre
Exhibitions: NY Art Book Fair (2024)
As seen on: Foam Magazine, British Journal of Photography, Booooooom, Turkey Book Talk, Maviblau (German), Calling (Turkish), Açık Radyo (Turkish)
Playlist: Something Is Missing
You can purchase the book from Onagöre (Turkey), Printed Matter, and The Library Project.
We have imagined a city, built it. Is this it though, or just an idea of it? We walked these streets, learned our way back home; it was easy to get lost but we knew that wall with the graffiti on it, we turned left and then right (many times), and it was there.
Stripped of all the clues that tell someone where a place might be, the book portrays a city with no one and no language in it. There are, however, some signs of life: foliage and, of course, construction sites. Some other questions you will ask yourself: Where is this? What city is this? Is this even a city?
December 2022